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Expert Brickwork Repointing Services for a Durable and Attractive Finish

What exactly is Pointing?

Brickwork pointing is the process of filling the gaps and bonding the bricks together with mortar cement on the surface of an external wall. It is an important part of maintaining the structure of your building and preventing water damage. Repointing, or replacing defective pointing, may be necessary when the mortar has been damaged by age, weather, or lack of maintenance. Brickwork pointing makes up about 15% of the surface of an external wall and plays a crucial role in the overall stability and appearance of the building. It is recommended to check your brickwork pointing at least once a year as part of an annual maintenance plan. If you notice any damaged brickwork or suspect that your pointing may need repairs, it is important to address it promptly to prevent further damage and costly repairs down the line.


Improving the appearance and value of your property:

A well-maintained, visually appealing property is more attractive to potential buyers or renters, and can increase the value of your property. Repointing can help restore and improve the appearance of your brickwork, making it look fresh and new again.

Protecting your property:

As mentioned, damaged or missing pointing can allow water and moisture to enter your walls, leading to potential damp and structural issues. Repointing helps seal and protect your brickwork, helping to prevent water and moisture damage.

Extending the lifespan of your brickwork:

Properly maintained brickwork can last for many years, but neglecting necessary repairs can cause costly problems down the line. By repointing your brickwork when needed, you can help extend the lifespan of your property and prevent costly repairs in the future.

Improving energy efficiency:

If your brickwork is in poor condition, it may be allowing drafts and cold air to enter your home, leading to higher energy bills. Repointing can help seal and insulate your brickwork, improving energy efficiency and helping to lower energy costs.

Customization options:

Repointing allows you to choose the type and colour of mortar that best suits your property’s style and aesthetic. This can help enhance the overall appearance of your property and make it stand out in your neighbourhood.

About HEX Brickwork LTD

Malt House Place

T:074 5555 35 95

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